
Showing posts from August, 2024
  The Tejas, Tejas Mk2 and AMCA situation-                                                A review of the crisis.      Prof. Prodyut Das One has long given up having any faith in official briefings about these projects. The “facts” given in do not fit into the bigger picture and indeed, contradict it. If you try to force fit the new “fact” it dislodges another piece of earlier “official” information as happens in a bad jig saw puzzle.   A new and disturbing phenomenon is noticed. Earlier the officials gave target dates knowing they could not be achieved e.g. a FF date of April 1990, month and year when at the time of making the announcement the concerned organization did not have its full team or even its own premises. Now the switch is from dates that were outright lies to dates that are trivial. I take the term trivial from mathematics. X=0 is called a trivial solution because whilst it solves the equation such a figure is of no use to anyone. Take the recent declaration of date
  The Conspiracy of our laggard Defense Industries                                  Prof. Prodyut Das We have a woeful track record of weapons development the absurdity of which has been highlighted by the relative success of Turkey and Korea. Our failure is “political” rather than technical. Looking at the “political” backstage is necessary because by focusing on Funds and Technical challenges we are being set up to bark up the wrong tree. Given the present structure even US levels of funds and facilities will not suffice. The present situation is mired in the Government led development structure. It allows a small group of powerful Government servants to hijack a project and benefits two sets of people: Firstly, the freebooters in the Government Labs because they get funds, irrespective of the output versus promise and secondly the Import Lobby where the failures of the DRDO projects assist the Import Lobby. Highlighting of technical problems and supposed inadequacies of fun