
Showing posts from September, 2024
  Funds, facilities or Panchayats?                                                                        Prof. Prodyut Das Any discussion on our track record of weapons development is always explained away by blaming inadequate funding of Defence R&D. Some point out the massive defence R&D funding of China and the US. I hold that given our inefficient Defence R&D structure even if we spent the same amount as the US on Defence R&D we would still be importing weapons. This is because we are structured wrong. One of the several wrongs is a focus on developing in isolation, the fashionable rather than the needed e.g. one does not design a fighter by deciding it must have this or that technology. One designs a fighter by the “Panchayati” approach: listening and arguing with the customer, absorbing what they want, and then deciding what is the minimum needed to be done. A Panchayat is a traditional village meeting held literally between five i.e many people in colloquia